Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Movies seen

A Christmas Carol:: the typical story, beautifully animated and requiring large silly 3D glasses for viewing. It was an enjoyable movie, well worth seeing with the family.

Blind Side:: A wonderful true story about the life of an unwanted and misunderstood child who turns out to be a well known football player and an all around good guy.

Sherlock Holmes:: This is a fun one, and definitely not your typical Holmes and Watson movie. All the major characters were delightful. I would be happy to see it again.

None of these were award winners, but they all kept me awake, which we all know is difficult to do. Especially since I was only getting about 2-3 hours of sleep a night during the week I saw them.

Still looking forward to seeing Avatar. It's still selling out at our local theater. One of the few movies that the theater staff advises purchasing the tickets for a day or two in advance. I hope to have the pleasure of viewing this latest hit before New Year's day.

More guitar

Yesterday I slowly worked my way through my very first flamenco guitar lesson, after doing a very slow review of some basic blue grass picking and discovering that I need a lot of practice with basic picking, hammer-ons and pull-offs.

Flamenco is a little closer to finger picking and classical guitar, but does have some differences. The hammer-ons and pull-offs are still a problem, but easier on a nylon stringed classical guitar than on a steel string. Today, I practiced flamenco basics for about an hour. Bar chords are very tough, but I think I can eventually master them.

I have more aching muscles in my left arm and hand than I would get from a good strength training workout. Good news--I can now play an easy version of the Malaguenas at about medium speed. It actually sounds like I know what I'm doing. :-) Who would have thought.

I had forgotten that when I was in junior high I would practice until my finger tips were bleeding and I thought my arms would fall off, just to get a simple song as perfect as I could. I'm told that stubborness and determination is a hereditary factor in my family line. Whether or not that is true, those traits have never left me. For good or bad, I always reach my goals, though some take longer than I might like.

Back to one more pass at the Malaguena, then I think my guitar could use a little bit of a rest.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Debut of the Unbroken Strings

Merry Christmas to All!!!

The day went well, though, for the first time, some of the regulars could not make it. And this was the first year that I have not celebrated on Christmas Eve. It felt strange not to be gathering for presents, a large meal, games and caroling, but there was no one around this year.

For the first time we decided to pull out the guitars and try playing as a group. No rehearsal. A bluegrass player, a classical player and a beginner. What we made wasn't exactly music, but we all had a good time. A few playing solos and great singing from the rest of the group.

Our beginner has now decided he would like to learn blue grass, and I have decided to attempt to relearn a little myself--just so I can blend a little better with the group.

I wonder if anyone took photos of the three of us playing? All the photographers in our group are also the musicians.

Monday, December 14, 2009

One tree up...

One more tree to go.

Christmas trees, that is.

We try to put up a tree in both the living room and the family room each year. The big tree in the family room because of the high ceiling. We didn't get the lights up this weekend--it rained, a lot. And, to be honest, the large tree isn't up yet mostly because we decided to go with a fake tree this year, and, well, the age old trees inherited from our families were in need of replacement. So, we just purchased a new tree Sunday evening.

Most of the shopping is done. Most of the making of gifts is done. The holiday cards are being addressed, with a couple cards in the process of being made. Will I finish them? That is yet to be determined. I'm hoping all the holiday preparations, except for the baking, will be done by Sunday.

My room-mate has asked for guitar lessons so that he can learn to play at least one Christmas Carol by the 24th. I was hoping I could get him to learn to play a simple melody, but he seems determined to have me take the lead and him play accompanying chords. Still, it's his family he wants to play for, so maybe, just maybe, I can talk him into learning that melody. I look forward to the challenge. And looking at our separate schedules, I have a feeling all teaching will be done on the 24th while the cinnamon rolls are rising and the cookies are baking.