Thursday, January 05, 2006

Where to go?

Believe it or not, there's a Starbuck's opening up for the day about a mile down the street. I could go there. If I walk, I get in a small amount of exercise before I sit down to my usual mint tea and water. Ok, it's usually peppermint hot chocolate, on the venti side, with a zuchinni nut muffin or a piece of banana nut bread, but I have a New Year's resolution to keep. So now my usual hot drink of choice must be unsweetened herbal tea. That, for me, will almost always be mint. Which means not only am I calorie deprived but caffeine as well.

Ah well, but that wasn't the point of this post. As in many of my entries, I am trying to think things through as I write. Clear my brain.

So the question of the day--given that I will probably be traveling alone, am female and transportation handicapped (I don't drive), where should I take my next vacation?

The first answer that popped into my head was Ireland. Not because I have always desperately wanted to visit, but because I know the language and there are tours I can take that are small--no more than a dozen people. Plus, depending on the tour I choose, knowing me it would be a walking tour, I don't need to be able to drive to get around. Basically, it's a good starter trip, even if the exchange rate is not in my favour.

I am open to other suggestions.

Would I prefer the company of a friend? Oh, heck, yes. In fact I'd prefer to be planning a trip to just about anywhere with a friend, rather than knowing that my camera was going to be my only companion.


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