Wednesday, July 04, 2007

France again??

Definitely add Vienne and St. Romain-en-Gal to the list.

And possibly Bourg-en Bresse.

It's not easy to find detailed information on a lot of sites that look like they might be interesting. There are a few nature made sites that look nice, but since we will likely be travelling by train most of the time, they are probably not practical. Besides, we'll be spending much of the week following our touristiness popping in and out of nature's realm.

So, at the moment, the list contains the following::

Lyon, Vienne and St. Romain-en-Gal, Bourg-en-Bresse, Palais Ideal du Facteur Cheval, Annecy and Geneve.

That may actually be more than we can fit in, depending on when we arrive and how bad the jet lag is.

Anyone have any more suggestions of sites to see in the local area??

There is the possibility of meeting up with friends who will also be travelling in the same area as well. What a coincidence. Spending time with them so far from home can only make the trip more memorable. :-)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are your RSS feeds coming through? I haven't seen anything from your end of the world for some time. I don't even know if you're in the country! Are you doing WFC this year? I have a membership and a hotel room -- still not sure I'm going. If you're already in Europe, have fun and be safe!

9:31 PM  

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