Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Jury Duty and other stuff

Jury duty, as in still none, thankfully. No, I'm not trying to get out of it, I just think it would be a waste of time for me to schlepp myself over to the courthouse just to prove that I am not well enough to be there, and have to go all the way back home again. Then again, if I don't get the call tonight to show up tomorrow, I am probably not going to get called. I have been called in on a Friday before, but that doesn't happen often.

Weight loss progress--well at this rate, I'll be a third of the way to my goal by the end of next week--if I can actually trust my scale. Not that anyone other than me can tell, and I'm not exactly certain that I can. That's no surprise though. A few years ago I lost 30 pounds, kept it off with no effort for a couple of years, and exactly one person noticed that I had lost weight. Chances are that no one will notice, even when I reach my halfway point which I have projected for the end of March, or when I reach my goal--I'm just not that noticeable, and most of my friends are not very observant.

Movies seen--there were two a little over a week ago, but I can only remember one. I guess that means one must not have been very good. :-) Either that or old age has finally hit and my mind is starting to go. Of course, age isn't a prerequisite for that. Nanny McPhee:: A fun, nearly modern, fairy tale that all the children in the audience enjoyed. There were quite a few adults laughing too--perhaps remembering some of the antics they pulled as children, or heard about their own parents and grandparents pulling in younger years. :-)


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