Friday, January 13, 2006

BloodRayne--the movie?

Well, what can I say? It wasn't great. Lot's of blood, not all that interesting nudity and sex, and just a hint of a glimmer of a plot. Probably destined for bad movie night at your local sf/f/h club. Bring lots of popcorn.

What I learned from this movie:: horses always travel from left to right across the screen, usually up hill. Useful information, I guess. :-)


Blogger David Forbes said...

The left-right travel is a fairly common film technique. If you listen to the director's commentary on Das Boot, Peterson says that all of the shots of the sub traveling away from Europe were shown left to right. When they returned, it was right to left. (I also think he might have said the enemy ships were always showed going in the opposite direction).

Peter Jackson said the same thing about The Lord of the Rings. The heroes on their way to Mordor always move left to right.

I've never seen a Uwe Boll movie, but I've heard they're atrocious, like the guy really doesn't even know how to set up a basic shot. Supposedly there's some weird tax rule in Germany that allows investors to put up money for low-budget films and make a really good return.

1:47 PM  

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