Monday, July 21, 2008

Well, MRSA it is

And I have a sudden urge to disinfect everything in sight.

Apparently, the culture results say that the best drug to use for my version of this nasty little bug is Bactrim DS and good old Tetracyclin. Both require me to avoid the sun as much as possible. If I didn't know that my doctor was working hard to clear up this infection as quickly as possible, I'd swear he was looking for any way possible to keep me from exercising. So, I start the new drugs tonight. Hopefully, the healing will continue progressing rapidly and come Wednesday, just maybe my doctor will allow me to do exercise that causes me to break a sweat. Ok, so it will have to be done indoors or after the sun sets for the next 7 days, but it would be better than having a frustrated me slowly bouncing off the walls for the next week. Slowly, because I mustn't take a chance of sweat getting into what little is left of the wound. Ugh.

Yes, I make a rotten patient. Mainly because I have no patience when it comes to me being ill.


Blogger Katharine Eliska Kimbriel said...

Oh, serious uggh. I was worried, because didn't Kenn have this when his leg problem developed? Or was it a lesser strain?

Believe the doc about the Tetracycline -- when I took it back in the dark ages, I had to drive down one road that was due West to get back home from the doctor. I had the sun in front of me maybe 5 minutes. By the time I was home, my neck and upper chest were sunburned!

Hope this is gone very soon, and you can get back to enjoying your biking.

10:52 PM  
Blogger zara elis said...

Good news! The doctor is pleased with the healing progress. He thinks it will be another week, at most two, and then bye bye MRSA.

4:57 AM  
Blogger zara elis said...

Saw the doctor again today. More blood tests--I really don't like needles, but we have to be certain that the antibiotics aren't causing problems for my liver and kidneys. Aside from that, the doctor still says I am healing well and he expects that I will either be completely healed or moved only to topical antibiotics by Monday of next week.

Meanwhile, I'm beginning to feel like a vampire. It's not exactly the easiest thing in the world to avoid sunlight in Southern California. No more tetracyline, but the bactrim ds continues, so no sun for me for at least another week.

Good news--I'm now allowed easy treadmill workouts or walks, as long as I don't sweat. I'm starting to feel and look like a big doughy lump, so any exercise is a welcome change. :-)

9:29 PM  
Blogger Katharine Eliska Kimbriel said...

Still good news? That's such a scary thing, I can't tell you -- of course, I take more antibiotics than most retirement homes can scrape up.

Was in San Francisco July 17th-19th to see the doc. So far, so good -- no IV yet in the works.

Getting any writing done?

9:50 PM  

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