Friday, July 29, 2005

Scotland, Day 3

July 29

It’s Friday, and we have decided to venture out to Edinburgh on our own. Our hosts dropped us off at the bottom of the Royal Mile (which is actually longer than a mile). Their thought was that we would be able to tour Holyrood Palace before heading on up the hill. It was dry when we arrived, and began raining as soon as we stepped out of the car. We’re not talking the usual drissle that they are accustomed to around here, but a heavy downpour. Due to the wind, umbrellas were useless. I was soon completely drenched, but that didn’t stop me.

The Queen was in town, her annual garden party at Holyrood having been rained out the day before, so we were not able to tour Holyrood Palace, but we did take photos through the gate. Unfortunately, because of the rain and time restrictions (we had to pick up a rental car by 5 and we had gotten our usual late start) we were not able to see much. We did manage to catch a tour bus and take it up to Edinbourgh Castle, where we saw the crown jewels and the great hall before heading out to get the car. We were due to come back to town for the Tattoo in a few days, so we figured we’d get some more touring in then.

We managed to get lost once on the way back to our hosts home and somehow ended up getting turned around and heading back to Edinburgh. We figured out how to get back on track and were immediately rerouted by a parade. At this point we had no idea how to get back to the motorway, but a police woman helped us out. It turned out that we were on the right path all the time. It seems our host had left one direction off his list, though he would not admit it. We were a little over an hour late with no way of contacting anyone and already our host had been calling around trying to locate us.

(PHOTO to arrive soon)


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