Friday, July 01, 2005

25 days to Scotland

And still no list from my roomie for his film order. He's on his way to meet me at Starbuck's though, so there's still a possibility that the order will get placed tonight. I'd keep my fingers crossed, but if I do that I can't type. My orders have already started to arrive.

Tomorrow morning we head off to AAA to finalize some of our travel arrangements. Then it's off to San Diego for a day, with a possible stop at a camera store to exchange a camera body purchased last weekend for a more advanced model. And then back home again to celebrate the 4th with friends, nieces and nephew--safe fireworks and all.

Hmmm, I suppose we need to schedule in some time to buy those fireworks.

It's going to be a very busy holiday weekend visiting with friends and family.

I have pulled an old trunk story out of the file cabinet to see if I can revise it into something a little more likely to sell. I don't usually attempt to rewrite the older stuff, but in this case I think it has potential. It also has some very major problems. If I had written this tale today I would definitely have structured it differently. What a difference four years can make in ones skills and abilities.


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