Wednesday, July 06, 2005

20 Days to Scotland

Still three days of trip planning to finalize, and the ants have invaded. I woke up this morning to find the kitchen counters had changed color and their surface was moving in unpredictable yet consistant patterns. Little three globe bodied creatures everywhere. I hastily cleaned them up, only to be rewarded by a slow trickle in of more of the persistant creatures. I'm certain, if past experience is an indicator, that the kitchen will be lightly frosted from floor to ceiling with little brown crawly bodies when I get home tonight. That's what I get for flooding the gardens.

They haven't found any food, at least not as far as I could tell this morning. They're simply looking for a cool, dry place to pass the time. If they stay isolated in the kitchen this year, I will be very happy.

My niece turned 12 today. This is the first year that she will not have a full fledged birthday party with all of her friends and sort of friends ( the ones you invite just to get more gifts). Instead, she is having an adult dinner out with her parents. Her father, of course, is panicked. There is now a teenager in his house, and worse, she has already been asked out on several dates this year. He's not ready for this experience, and still hasn't figured out a way to keep all her boyfriends (none of whom he has met) straight. He needn't worry too much though. His daughter is level headed and has refused all but one request. Besides, a date to her is a one hour supervised, during school hours dance or a group function with her Sunday school class. I remember those school dance dates. The boys lined up along one wall of the gym, the girls along another, not a one of them able to muster the courage to cross over the line and speak to the other gender. If you were lucky the music was store bought, if you weren't it was a really bad band from your own class. The teachers did more dancing than the kids. When they weren't dancing with each other they were trying to coax a younger dance partner away from the walls or playing matchmaker. Dating at that age was very simple, but oh just as frightening as it is at any age. And just as exciting.

I wonder what my niece's father will do the first time she comes home and says she's going steady with a boy? Do you think he realizes that "going steady" could be anywhere from a couple of days to a few months and doesn't mean the same thing to a 12 year old as it does to him? Knowing him, I think he will shoot right through the roof and land on the moon, ok, maybe Mars.


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